Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Economic Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Economic Development - Essay Example 10). For a country to be termed as developed economically, and then there are conditions that need to be absent. A country must, therefore, focus on poverty reduction and improving on the life expectancy of its citizens. Attaining public health is essentially another goal of economic development. The goals of economic development have changed over time. Due to globalization, nations have resulted to aiming at remaining at the top of the food chain. Competition has forced economic development to turn to a struggle to retain businesses (Cypher and James, pg. 32). Most people living in low-income countries, also known as developing worlds’ live under the poverty line. There are some reasons why this poverty is widespread and, unfortunately, why these people continue in that vicious cycle. To begin with, most developing countries depend on agriculture as their main economic activity. There is nothing wrong with agriculture, but, when there are no machines and no skilled labor in farms, the total output in these farms is significantly low. This means that there is barely any surplus that can be sold, and the farmers are subsistent farmers (Cypher and James, pg. 7). One goal of economic development is to ensure that public health is maintained at the highest level possible. Looking at most low-income nations, we realize that they not only have fewer skills in terms of combating diseases, but less economic power to promote infant and maternal health. This, in other words, means that their life expectancy is very low. Consider a country such as Tanzania with an average life expectancy of 48 years while countries such as Sweden in Europe have average life expectancy of over 85 years (Cypher and James, pg.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Using Effective Promotions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Using Effective Promotions - Essay Example It was also a good advert as it alerted consumers that Nike offered free shipping on some orders. Therefore, it encouraged consumers who could not visit a Nike outlet, due to varying reasons, and are not members, to order the products online. Consequent to this, the advertiser has to communicate the intended message, which informed consumers of the possibility of online purchasing. Online purchases contribute to the increase of the sales of the company, which makes the advert significant to the company. Informing people about the free returns for members also made this a good advert, because, it motivated online purchasers to order for the goods they needed without worrying that the goods may be in bad condition. Therefore, the advertiser has to communicate about the free return service offered to members of the community, if the delivered products fell short of their expectations. The advert was also good as it drew more customers to join the Nike community, and it promoted the loya lty of consumers to the organization. Such offers also help in shifting the attention of the consumers from the price of the products to the services offered, which gives Nike an opportunity to create good relations with its customers. Conclusively, the discussed advertisements allowed the advertiser to achieve increased sales of the products. The seller gets to advertise to the consumers at a personal level, through the social media, which reached a wider group of people. This boosted the competitiveness of the company.